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Logpickr components

Logpickr Sink

A Sink connector transfers data from Kafka to another system (in our case Logpickr public API).

The connector retrieves AVRO formatted data from a Kafka topic and forwards them to Logpickr API.

The data type is known via Kafka Registry and is mapped to Logpickr project Column Mapping. Data is aggregated to the project and displayed by Process Explorer 360.

The connector can also create a new Column Mapping for the projet, if none exists on a new project for example.

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Logpickr Aggregator

This connector aims to aggregate together multiple records coming from a same partition.

It allows decoupling the continuous flow of kafka topics into point-in-time emission of an aggregation of data, according to various user policies.

For instance, if the incoming data is composed of two columns having for types :


The result of the aggregation will be sent to a kafka topic with the type :


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User Defined Functions (UDF)

UDF are functions useable in KSQLDB transformations.


name in ksqlDB : logpickr_transposition

UDTF transposing a line which contains multiple column dates associated to activities, into multiple lines with one date (or period) linked to its activity

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Case Events

name in ksqlDB : logpickr_case_events

UDF allowing to obtain caseId related information

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Sessions (Task Mining)

name in ksqlDB : logpickr_sessions

UDTF distributing a collection of lines into different sessions.

Used in Task Mining, it generates a caseId based on user specifications.

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name in ksqlDB : logpickr_prediction

UDF allowing retrieving prediction information on given caseIds belonging to a Logpickr project

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