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Case Explorer

The "Case Explorer" page summarizes and presents all the cases of the project. The cases are represented as a paginated table where you can choose the number of cases displayed per page.

Page case explorer

Each case has as main information its ID, the duration, its start date, the end date of the last task in the case, the name of the last task(s), its total number of tasks and the name of the variant on which it can be found. You can sort the table in ascending or descending order by clicking on any of the following columns: ID, duration, start date, end date of the last task in the case, total number of tasks, name of the variant on which it can be found.

Filter cases

Case explorer filters

Case Explorer filters are managed in the same way as those in the "Analysis" page. To find out how to handle filters you can go on the Filters help page.

Show other data

If, in your data ingestion, you have added other data (dimensions or metrics) you can display the values ​​associated with each case. Click the button below to open a menu containing the project's dimensions and metrics.

Menu button

The menu contains a list of available aggregations for available dimensions and metrics. Click on an aggregate to add it to the table and display the values ​​attached to each case.

Other menu data

Consult the details of a case

To consult the detail of a specific case, click on the line of the case you want to view: this will open the page of the assigned case. For more information on a case detail page, click here.