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Dimensions and metrics

This project settings tab allows you to modify the name, unit and aggregation of the dimensions and metrics entered during the first data ingestion. The dimensions and metrics each have their own table.



The table of project dimensions consists of the name of the dimensions, their scope and their aggregation.


Click on the edit button of the dimension you want to modify, it opens a pop-in with a text field where you can modify the name of the dimension as well as a disabled selection field to populate the scope of the dimension that you are editing, you will also find an editable selection field for the aggregation of the dimension.



Click on "Validate" to confirm the name and/or aggregation change of the dimension.


The table of metrics includes the name of the metrics, their unit, their scope and their aggregation.


Click on the edit button of the dimension you want to modify, it opens a pop-in with a text field for the name, a text field for the unit (which you can leave empty if necessary), a selection field disabled to populate the scope of the metric you are editing and an editable selection field for the aggregation of the metric.



Click on "Validate" to confirm the change of name, unit and/or aggregation of the metric.

Save changes

After you're done editing the dimensions and metrics, don't leave the page! Click on the save button at the top left to be able to save your changes.

save button

If you have modified at least one aggregation of a dimension or a metric, an alert message is displayed; because changing an aggregation of a dimension or metric requires a recalculation of the project data.

warning message