Using the iGrafx Column Mapping Status Node

The Column Mapping Status node allows you to check if a column mapping exists. A column mapping is a list of columns describing a document(.CSV, .XLSX, .XLS).

Further documentation on the column mapping and file structure can be found here.

To use the node, you can either place the node after the iGrafx Project Creation node or the iGrafx File Upload node to automatically get the project ID, or you can manually set it by double clicking on the node. Please note that if you set the project ID by double clicking the node, it is prioritized over the project ID connection.

If the Column Mapping Status node is green, it means that a column mapping exists for this project. If there are other nodes connected after this one, they will also pass as the column mapping exists.

If on the other hand, it is red, that means that the column mapping does not exist and has to be defined. You can define a column mapping in the File Upload node. If there are other nodes connected after this one, they will not be executed as the column mapping does not exist.

This node takes a table as input and outputs a table.

Here are the flow variables of this node:

Flow variable Meaning Description
auth_url The authentication URL of the iGrafx platform. Authentication URL
api_url The URL of the iGrafx API platform you are using. API URL
wg_key The Private Key of the workgroup you are working with. Workgroup Key
wg_id The ID of the workgroup You are working with. Workgroup ID
new_project_id The ID of the newly created project. New Project ID
column_mapping_exists A boolean indicating whether ot not the column mapping exists. Column Mapping Status

If the column_mapping_exists flow variable is True, then the column mapping exists, else it does not.