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Platform profile management

Profiles represent specific sets of properties to apply when creating a workgroup or user. They are used to set quotas, language, and initial expiration date for other entities. Note that the quotas are only used for workgroups, as users only use the language and initial expiration date from their related profile.

For a description of the different quotas, see the corresponding page.


Create a new profile

To create a new profile, click the button below to open the profile creation popin.



The popin displays the form to enter the profile name, the language, the different quotas and the validity period. Clicking on a switch in front of one of the text fields enables or disables its entry (a disabled text field represents an undefined value, which is equivalent to an infinite limit).

Update a profile

To modify an existing profile, click on the button; shown below; on the line of the profile you want to modify to open the modification popin.



You can modify the various fields of the profile then click on "Validate" to save these modifications. Please note that modifying a profile does not modify the workgroups or users created with this profile.

Delete a profile

To delete a profile, click on the button below, a popin will ask you to validate the deletion. Validate to delete the profile from the list.
